Credit cards usually have three different reward programs which include cash back, rewards points, and miles and this can be achieved when you use your credit card to pay for any transactions that you have made. Rewards programs have rules and they can be quite limiting for many of its cardholders. If you wish to get a rewards credit card that lets you get cash back at Amazon, you should be looking at the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card.

The Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card is the premier Amazon rewards credit card that every Amazon loyalist should have. It offers tons of rewards including cash back, competitive rates, and a lot of perks and benefits that you can enjoy while you shop at Amazon.


If you're looking for a good rewards credit card, look no further than the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card. Discover more benefits and find out how you can apply for this Amazon credit card with the article down below.

Amazon Credit Card: What Are the Benefits and How to Apply?
Image Source: Business Wire

The Basics of Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card

If you are an avid Amazon shopper and you want to get the most out of shopping at Amazon, this is your chance to avail the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card and all of its amazing rewards, perks, and benefits. 

Amazon Credit Card: What Are the Benefits and How to Apply?
Image Source: PYMNTS

This rewards credit card offers a sign-up bonus of $200 Amazon Gift Card upon the approval of your card. You also receive 5% cash back when you purchase at the official Amazon website or Whole Foods Market. 


You gain an additional 2% cash back when you use the card at restaurants and gas stations, 2% for local transit including rideshare, and 1% on all other transactions and purchases made by the card. 

The Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card offers a lot of flexibility even if you're not a regular shopper at Amazon with all the cash back rewards points you'll get.

Check Out These Interest Rates and Other Charges

The Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card might have a high rewards rate but the card does not have a lot of fees or charges that you might incur. 


When you have this Amazon Credit Card, you don't have to pay an annual fee or any foreign transaction fees for that matter. The variable APR for purchases ranges from 18.99% to 26.99% while the cash advance interest rate is at 29.74%. 

The balance transfer fee is either $5 or 5% of the total amount of each transfer whichever is greater. Lastly, your credit limit will depend on your creditworthiness.

Looking Forward to the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card

Once you have the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card, you should be looking forward to all of the rewards that you're going to enjoy. 

Amazon Credit Card: What Are the Benefits and How to Apply?
Image Source: Lovemoney

One of the things that this Amazon Credit Card offers is its reward flexibility. You can redeem the rewards or cash back that you have received from all of your transactions toward your next Amazon purchase. 

You can use it during checkout to get a discount or even pay for the entire transaction. You can also redeem them through Chase and purchase gift cards or even book your next vacation with your rewards. 

If you want cash, you can straight-up redeem your cash back rewards for cash and have it deposited to your account.

Stay Protected With the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card

When you're shopping at Amazon using the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card, you also get extra protection with the purchase protection feature of the card. 

Every time you use the card to purchase items at the Amazon website, your items are protected from getting damaged or stolen. It also applies if your items do not arrive after you have paid for them. Not only that, but you also have travel protection with your credit card. 

You are entitled to travel accident insurance, travel and emergency assistance, lost luggage reimbursement and so much more. Domestic and international travelers will surely love to use this card during their travels.

Is the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card for You?

With all the benefits and perks that the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card offers, you might still be thinking if this is the right Amazon credit card for you. 

Amazon Credit Card: What Are the Benefits and How to Apply?
Image Source: Reuters

If you love spending big at Amazon, Whole Foods, and other establishments, no other credit card brings this much cash back rewards as consistently as this rewards credit card. 

This is the perfect card for those who are Amazon loyalists but also like to extend their transactions to many other well-known establishments for more cash-back rewards. 

If you're not an avid shopper at Amazon, you might want to check out other rewards credit cards.

Comparing the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card Against Other Cards

When compared to other Amazon credit cards, the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card is at the top of the list with its amazing perks and benefits. This credit card does not require an Amazon Prime membership just for you to enjoy all of its features and even the cash-back rewards. 

Those who are looking to compare it with the Blue Cash Preferred Card from American Express will have to deal with a whopping $95 annual fee on their second year while this Amazon credit card stays zero. 

While there are a lot of benefits that are quite similar to each other, the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card still edges out a tiny bit with its amazing cash-back rewards rate.

What Are the Requirements and How to Apply

To apply for the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card, you will need to prepare documents. 

Amazon Credit Card: What Are the Benefits and How to Apply?
Image Source: Finance Buzz

These include proof of identity such as your Social Security Number or any other government-issued ID, proof of residence which can be your passport, and proof of income or your bank statements or salary slips. 

You must also be 18 years old and above and must have a good to excellent credit score to qualify for the application. Once you are qualified, you can head over to the official Amazon website and log in to your account. 

Click on Unlock my offer and fill up the online application form. Don't forget to review your details and the terms and conditions of the credit card before you submit.

Contact Details That You Should Know

If you have any further questions or need additional information about the card, feel free to contact their customer service at 1-888-247-4080.

You can also visit their main office at 270 Park Ave., New York, NY 10017, USA.


Consider having the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card if you find yourself shopping more often at Amazon's website and getting amazing rewards for it. With so many rewards credit cards out there, only this Amazon credit card can truly reward you with amazing features and benefits.

Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using credit. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.