Financial hardships can occur at any moment and that's when you need a lender like Avant to pull you out of the jam. The loss of a job, a leak in the roof or a new baby can through you for a loop no matter how well you've planned for your future. At this time it is quite alright to borrow some cash.


Today, you don't have to leave the comfort of your home to find a lender that is right for you. You can spend your time online, finding out details of a loan provider that has the terms you are looking for. Of course, a low credit score can make it very hard to find someone who will lend you money, but Avant is different.

Avant is willing to lend to more traditionally risky borrowers. That means you don't have to have perfect credit to get a loan with Avant. Our editors have compiled some information about Avant you'll want to know if you're in the need of a loan. You will discover whether you qualify and how to get a loan below. 


What To Expect From Avant

Before you can press the "apply" button, you need to know what to expect from this service provider. With Avant, you can expect loans for your tough times even if your credit score could use some work. All you need is a credit score of around 580 to qualify for a loan with Avant.

The good thing is that this loan doesn't affect, negatively or positively, your FICO credit score. If you're looking to take this loan with an idea of building your score, you're mistaken. This loan service provider has designed its service to cater for emergencies, the short term mainly than anything else.


Hence, the Avant is best for personal loans, loans that can help secure an unexpected financial situation and all. The team also doesn't do a heavy check on your credit score before lending you the money as most lenders would. Lastly, your loan limit increases with every payment you make, plus fees on your previous loan.

How Much Can I Get?

Although most personal loan lenders don't offer high amounts, with Avant you can get a loan from as low as $2,000 to as high as $35,000. And you have up to at least 6 months or more to pay back your loan. You even have the option of getting a second loan after the initial payback period.

What Are The Fees?

When it comes to loans, there has to be some fees that apply here. The fees are usually determined by a lot of factors and for loan service providers such as Avant, you usually have to pay a facilitation fee. But with Avant that doesn't apply, however, there are fees that apply and they include:

  • APR of around 9.95% - 35.99%
  • There's an administration fee of 4.75%
  • Late payments attract a $25 fee
  • Lastly, if you fail to pay after all periods have passed including the grace period which is 10 days after your due date, you have to part with an extra $15.
How Get A Loan With Avant

How To Apply For The Avant Loan

Where money is involved there are certain requirements that you should meet before you get it. Here, you have to be 18 years old first of all, and an American citizen to get access to this service. You have to be living in one of the states that the service provider is offering the service.

The other thing, which is also quite crucial, is you have to prove your income that's not less than $20,000 annually. Your credit score as stated before should be at least 580, but an average of 680 and above is where you're likely to be assured a loan. To apply, you can easily visit the Avant website and begin the application process or alternatively, you can click here to begin the process. Your application can be approved within, at most, 48 hours only.

Avant - Apply For A Loan Conclusion

Getting a loan provider that offers you a loan even with a low credit score can be a real hustle. But if you know the right places to look, you can get just that. With a service provider like Avant, you're not only assured of a loan with your average credit score, you also get ample time to ensure you clear your loan without much fuss.

Disclaimer: All information is provided for educational purposes. Please check with your bank for specific details